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Structured LLM Step

The LLMStructuredStep is used to create structured responses.

An LLMStructuredStep instance takes a Pydantic model and a prompt generator function as arguments. The pydantic model specifies the output structure. The prompt generator function defines how to generate a prompt from the input data. You can optionally provide a model and step name.


LLMStructuredStep returns useful statistics about the LLM call for each row.

Stat name Description
input_tokens Number of input tokens used.
output_tokens Number of output tokens used.
input_cost Input cost of running the LLM call.
output_cost Output cost of running the LLM call.
num_success Number of succesful calls.
num_failure Number of unsuccesful calls.
total_latency Latency for the LLM call.


In this example, we provide information about a business and three potential codes to choose from and we expect two structured fields in return, reasoning and code.

from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

def business_code_prompt(row): return f"""
    You are given a business name and a list of google search results about a company.
    You are given 3 possible NAICS codes it could be -- pick the best one and explain your reasoning.

    Company name: {row['name']}
    NAICS options: {row['top3_codes']}
    Search results:

class BusinessCode(BaseModel):
    reasoning: str = Field(description="The thought process for why this is the best NAICS code")
    code: str = Field(description="The best NAICS code")

business_code_step = steps.LLMStructuredStep(

Supported models

LLMStructuredStep currently only works with models that support JSON mode. There may be other models not on this list that also work.

model provider
gpt4 OpenAI
gpt35 OpenAI
mixtral Together, Anyscale
mistral Together, Anyscale
codellama Together

See the models page for information on the mapping of model names to models.